Purchase Healthppy medical card process and Payment method:
1️⃣ Fill in the personal information👉🏻Click “Add to Cart”, the medical cards are already in your shopping cart
2️⃣ Click “View Cart” or the top shopping cart icon to confirm that the purchase information is correct 👉🏻Click “Go to Checkout”
3️⃣ Fill in the billing information, select the payment method, and tick “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the website 👉🏻 Click “SIGNUP NOW”
4️⃣ After completing the payment process, it will jump to the medical card registration form and follow the instructions to complete the medical card user registration.
If you have purchased more than one medical card, after registering the first one, you can register the second one, and so on.
*✨Note: You will receive the electronic version of the medical card by email. When you go to the online clinic, you only need to present this medical card and your ID card to enjoy the discounted payment offer immediately!*
Terms and Conditions
Dental benefits effective within 7 working days
Member can cancel the subscription before the next payment date to terminate the membership and automatic deduction for the following year
Disclaimer: Healthppy does not advertise for any doctor or medical institution and does not charge any commission.
This membership plan is only applicable to Hong Kong identity cardholders.