Plan details (Applicable to Non-Hong Kong/macau ID cardholder only)
– Each blue card member will enjoy 10% off discount code, which can be used unlimitedly within the membership period.
– The code can apply to all products except healthppy paid membership program
– The code will be expired on the same day of your membership
– The code has no minimum spending the coupons cannot be transferred to other members.
Member giveaway – Outpatient Welfare
Each blue card member can enjoy our outpatient medical welfare to visit healthppy network clinics (more than 200 clinics/doctors) at membership price. Card member can visit the clinics unlimited times under membership period.
Detail and membership price: click here (member access only)
根據INSTITUTE OF HEARTMATH 的 USING EMWAVE®️ TECHNOLOGY FOR CHILDREN研究顯示,EMWAVE®️ 科學技術能有效量度小朋友的凝聚力COHERENCE情況,從而配合QUICK COHERENCE®️ TECHNIQUE(快速凝聚力訓練技術),能夠令專注力不足的小朋友在確實數據顯示下,得到全面性清晰的專注力改良。